Work in Progress

Individualism and Working from Home
Current version: June 2024 (with Natalie Irmert and Therese Nilsson).

Recession Experiences during Early Adulthood Shape Prosocial Attitudes Later in Life
Current version: August 2023 (with Uwe Sunde and Petra Thiemann).

Autonomous Schools, Achievement, and Segregation
Current version: December 2023 (with Natalie Irmert, Linn Mattisson, and Felix Weinhardt).
Related material: LSE blog post.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Do Motivated Classmates Matter for Educational Success?
Economic Journal, forthcoming.
Related material: slides.

Revisiting the Effect of Growing Up in a Recession on Preferences for Redistribution
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 38(5), 786-794, 2023 (with Petra Thiemann).
Related material: slides, replication files (link).

Teacher Quality and Cross-Country Differences in Learning in Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa
Economics of Education Review (special issue: Education in Low-Income Settings), 96, article 102437, 2023 (with Natalie Irmert and Mohammad H. Sepahvand).
Related material: replication files (30 KB).
Media coverage: The Conversation.

Tuition Fees and Educational Attainment
European Economic Review, 154, article 104431, 2023 (with Andreas Leibing, Jan Marcus, and Felix Weinhardt).
Related material: publisher's version, DIW Wochenbericht 15/2021 (popular science summary in German).
Media coverage: Hamburger Abendblatt, Berliner Morgenpost, WAZ, Deutschlandfunk, among others.

New Evidence on the Importance of Instruction Time for Student Achievement on International Assessments
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 38(3), 423-431, 2023 (with Matthew Collins).
Related material: publisher's version, replication files (87 MB).

The Long-Term Impacts of Low-Achieving Childhood Peers: Evidence from Project STAR
Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(1), 392-426, 2020.
Related material: publisher's version, online appendix, slides, replication files (3 MB).
Media coverage: Tagesspiegel, Weser Kurier.

The Effect of Working Hours on Health
Economics and Human Biology, 39, article 100901, 2020 (with Inés Berniell).
Related material: publisher's version.
Media coverage: The Academic Times, Vox China, Dagens ETC, among others.
Special mention of the Premio ANCE Julio H. G. Olivera 2019.

Birth Weight and Vulnerability to a Macroeconomic Crisis
Journal of Health Economics, 66, 136-144, 2019 (with Prashant Bharadwaj, Petter Lundborg, and Dan-Olof Rooth).
Related material: publisher's version, online appendix.

Preschool Attendance, Schooling, and Cognitive Skills in East Africa
Economics of Education Review, 73, article 101909, 2019 (with Sanna Ericsson and Fredrick M. Wamalwa).
Related material: publisher's version, online appendix, replication files (16 MB).
Media coverage: The Conversation, The Standard (Kenya).

Africa's Skill Tragedy: Does Teachers' Lack of Knowledge Lead to Low Student Performance?
Journal of Human Resources, 53(3), 553-578, 2018 (lead article, with Marc Piopiunik and Simon Wiederhold).
Related material: publisher's version, slides, summary on the JHR website.
Winner of the ifo Institute Research Prize 2018.

Teaching Practices and Cognitive Skills
Labour Economics, 30, 143-153, 2014.
Related material: publisher's version, poster, slides, replication files (8 MB).
Media coverage: Nada es Gratis.
Winner of the IEA Bruce H. Choppin Memorial Award 2012.
Winner of the UAM-Accenture Award in Economics and Management of Innovation 2011.

Publication in Swedish

Traditionella normer och föräldrars investering i humankapital
Ekonomisk Debatt, 51(2), 34-41, 2023 (with Steve Berggreen and Gunes Gokmen).


Three Essays on School Organization, Student Performance, and Long-Term Outcomes.
Winner of the Prize for the Best Dissertation in Economics of Education 2015/16 by the German Economic Association.

(c) 2024 Jan Bietenbeck